S900 - Update SIIPS Materials
Consultant has outstanding strengths in the field of package-focused business solutions, and, in particular, in the selection and implementation of packages. This can only be maintained if Software Application Implementation Process Support practitioners regularly feed back their experiences, information gathered and ideas for further improvements. It is normal practice, therefore, to identify relevant information and send it to the Software Application Implementation Process Support Support Unit so that it may be used for reference during other Software Application Implementation Process Support engagements.
This process is normal practice unless forbidden by the confidentiality requirements of the client.
Prerequisites (Finish-Finish):
- Definition of Implementation Strategy and Delivery Architecture (S700/S710)
- Finalise contract(s) (S310)
- all other Selection Segment tasks
Dependent procedures (Finish-Finish):
- Selection Segment termination paths:
- QA review and
- review of path plan
- vendors’ proposals as modified by any subsequent correspondence
- reports / questionnaires from user reference site visits
- reports / questionnaires from vendor demonstrations
- report from Package Fit tests (if any)
- findings from Feasibility Prototype (if any)
- findings from Benchmarking (if any)
- Selection Report
- Implementation Strategy / Delivery Approach Definition
- Updates for Consultant tools and materials
- Tools: Software Application Implementation Process Support Support Unit
The Software Application Implementation Process Support Support Unit, acts as:
- a repository for information, in particular, information concerning packages and their vendors,
- a networking facility which can identify specialists and sources of specialist information concerning packages,
- a distributor of materials, such as the methodology and tools which form the Software Application Implementation Process Support,
- an organiser of Software Application Implementation Process Support training.
At the end of the segment, all relevant information may be fed back to the Software Application Implementation Process Support Unit for consideration and consolidation. This information may include:
- latest information regarding the packages and vendors as collected during the evaluation, for example:
- functionality - new features or detailed descriptions,
- full copies of responses, completed Requirements Matrices etc,
- pricing,
- support capabilities,
- vendor statistics, eg current staffing, locations, Research & Development, accounts, etc
- contact details,
- new or revised Requirements Matrices, customised for a new market segment, environment or language,
- information concerning the project planning and estimates, for example:
- path plan
- segment plan, actual against planned/budgeted
- significant unexpected issues that impacted upon the project plan or upon the planned scope and benefits,- -
- detail of consultants’ experience and specialties as developed further during the Software Application Implementation Process Support work,
- ideas for additions or improvements to Software Application Implementation Process Support, for example
- new processes
- new tools
- new examples
- new guidelines
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