D090 -Implement Communications
This process is performed throughout the project to ensure that participants and other affected parties are informed to the level necessary of the changes in their environment and what is expected of them. This should ensure their co‑operation and successful take up of the system.
This process is optional - good practice where the success of the project requires the dissemination of information or the promotion of changed attitudes amongst a large number of staff.
Prerequisites (Finish-Finish):
- Set up / revise and agree communications plan (L060)
Dependent procedures (Finish-Start):
- (none - continues throughout project)
- Communications Approach Implementation Paper
- Communications Plan
- Desired behaviour in all persons affected by the project
- (none)
The approach to communications should have been decided in the Project Launch (L060). This should have led to a Communications Plan which should be put into effect during this Process.
Well before end-user training begins, it is often a good idea to address the human issues by undertaking a continuous communications programme to address issues and to focus on issues which would most directly affect the end-users.
During the communications programme we should monitor how the affected group is reacting to changes in their environment and take further actions as necessary. Do they need a better understanding of the benefits to them and to the company? Will they adjust their behaviour in whatever ways are necessary to support the project and to put the new systems successfully into operation?
Techniques available
There is a range of options available for communicating, some straightforward, some exotic. These may be considered as tools for communicating messages. Some examples might be:
- circulars / circulated memos,
- articles in internal newspapers,
- PR tools, eg calendars, posters, gimmicks, badged gifts - eg mouse mat with system instructions / help / contact information,
- questionnaires,
- sampled one-to-one meetings,
- workshops,
- presentations,
- conferences,
- video conferencing,
- electronic mail circulars,
- regular briefing packs (on paper or by electronic mail),
- electronic bulletin boards,
- planned “informal” telephone calls to key interested people,
- regular (eg agreed every months or every fortnight) phone rounds to networks of people
- log on messages for existing users,
- printed messages on output from current system,
- demonstrations of the new systems,
- hands-on sessions / model office.
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