BPI Shared Values and Guiding Principles -Examples
In the example below, the first principle represented tremendous changes to the traditional paradigm under which this organization worked: HR management had traditionally always been perceived as the responsibility of the HR department. This statement opened the door for tremendous cost savings through shifting new responsibilities onto the shoulders of line managers (thereby also highlighting the intense need for training and IT support tools).
Guiding principles and values
The Human Resources unit, share the following guiding principles and values:
We believe that human resource management is a line management responsibility
- Our line managers have the authority, tools, training and support that enable them to fulfill their responsibilities and accountability for managing their human resources. Representatives of the Human Resources unit will work in close partnership with line managers in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect at all levels.
We will deliver human resource management services according to high service level standards
- We are committed to providing the highest possible levels of service within our resource constraints. Our clients should believe that we understand and respect the importance of their needs.
- We will make it as easy as possible for our clients to deal with us and endeavour to provide one-stop, one-call service wherever possible. This will be accomplished through teamwork and effective communication between all employees within the HR unit and between human resource practitioners and line managers.
- We define our service standards in consultation with our clients. We always communicate our service standards to our clients and we expect to be held accountable for meeting them.
- Our clients, line managers and employees, should view us as trustworthy and professional, responsive, efficient, accessible and knowledgeable.
We actively pursue continuous improvement in the delivery of HR management services
- This company is a dynamic organization and we, the Human Resources unit must constantly strive to adapt to changing conditions. We will create an environment where change is positive and rewarding. We will encourage innovation, creativity and collaborative risk-taking in our operations, although we will always emphasize reliability in service delivery. We will recognize and reward people for their role in bringing about improvements and will celebrate our achievements.
We will fulfill our HR management responsibilities in the most cost-effective way
- We will deliver our services to clients in the most cost-effective manner possible without compromising our agreed service level targets. We will exploit information technology as a critical resource in achieving our objectives. We will consider alternative methods of service delivery to improve client service while reducing operating costs. We will collaborate with all components of the organization to rationalize services so that no efforts are duplicated.
We will encourage individual empowerment
- Employees at all levels within the HR unit will be empowered to fulfill the responsibilities that have been given to them. Employees will have the authority, tools, training and work environment necessary for providing quality services. Employees opinions will be sought and listened to. We will seize opportunities to increase our job satisfaction and quality of work life.
- This is an example of the Shared Values and Guiding Principles for a Public Services Organization
Guiding Principles and Values
The Agency reaffirmed its operating principles following comprehensive consultations and discussions across the country resulting in a strategic plan being released. The guiding principles that the Agency seeks to preserve are:
- The 'arm's-length' status of the Agency.
- 'Peer evaluation' as the foundation of the decision-making process.
- 'Excellence' or 'comparative merit' as the primary criterion for grant decisions.
- A focus on their support of 'professional' research activity.
In addition, in order to become the pre-eminent granting agency, the Agency seeks to become an organization that is characterized by the following statements:
- We work in a close partnership with our clients researchers, research organizations and other research professionals in the country. We will provide clients with clear and detailed procedures for their interactions with Agency staff. In turn, we believe that our clients are responsible and competent individuals who can be expected to understand a reasonable amount of information describing Agency procedures and then abide by these procedures.
- We strive to provide a consistent and 'seamless' service to our clients.
- Service to clients will be consistent across our programs and clients will know up front what to expect when dealing with the the country Council. We recognize that our clients often participate in many programs, thus we will not repeatedly ask for the same information.
- We strive for continuous improvement.
- We will create an environment where change is positive and rewarding. We will encourage creativity, innovation and collaborative risk-taking in our operations, although we will always emphasize reliability in service delivery and sound resource management
- We strive for immediate communication of decisions.
- We will provide all Agency staff clients and stakeholders with immediate information on major management decisions.
- We strive for client-focused operations.
- We will design and maintain operations that ensure that all Agency activities add value in meeting grant-decision and delivery process priority service delivery needs.
- This is an example of shared values and guiding principles for a familiar local law enforcement agency.
Policing Philosophy
The Organisations Police Corporate Plan outlines the present policing philosophy comprising vision, mission and values statements. This philosophy has been reviewed and extended based on inputs from police, community and international best practice.
Vision (What do we want to be?)
- To be recognised as a premier police organization.
- This is an ambitious vision which states clearly to the community, to government and to police officers, that the Organisations Police wishes to lead rather than follow policing best practice, both nationally and internationally.
Mission (What is our purpose?)
- To provide a safer the Organisations.
- This mission statement underpins all aspects of the Department of Police's operation and structure. It provides a clear and unambiguous focus for all policing activities.
Business Definition (What business are we in?)
- Providing a safe the Organisations is not the sole responsibility of the Organisations Police. The specific role of the Organisations Police is to:
- maintain law and order;
- protect life and property;
- enhance community safety; and
- reduce the fear and incidence of crime.
Shared Values (How will we act?)
- Each employee, sworn and not sworn, of the Department of Police will act in a manner which:
- places honesty, integrity and professionalism above all else;
- upholds the rule of law;
- preserves the rights and freedoms of individuals and a service which is equitable to all members of the community;
- strives for sincere and courteous co-operation between police and members of the community;
- ensures that authority is exercised responsibly; and
- treats with compassion victims of crime and people involved in personal emergencies.
- These values reflect the need for the highest standards of integrity and service to the community.
Guiding Principles (How will we work?)
- In addition to the shared personal values which support the Organisations Police's vision and mission, there are a number of organizational values or principles which will be used to guide the design and implementation of the Organisations Police work processes.
- Our organization will be guided by a commitment to:
- empowerment ensuring that front-line officers have the appropriate authority, accountability, tools and training to deliver professional services;
- the efficient and effective use of resources: physical, human, technological, information, financial;
- a community focus understanding the communities' needs, and reflecting those needs in the services we provide;
- building a flexible organization to meet the changing environment within it must operate; and
- work in partnership with others to maximize the contribution of Police in providing a safer the Organisations.
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