Thursday, September 28, 2017

BPI Acceptance Test – Examples

BPI Acceptance Test – Examples

The following is an example of the results from an Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) of a Human Resources Information System. External Consultant conducted IV&V (or Acceptance Test) for a Public Services Client.

Logistic Information Technology Centre,
Chief of Staff - Human Resources

Revised Draft
November 17, 2012


1.     Summary Report of System Anomalies   
2.     Testing on Phase I of IHRIMS   
2.1     Description of Testing and Results:   
2.2     Login screen   
2.3     Gains Management   
2.4     Civilian Employee Information Management   
2.5     Military Employee Information Management   
2.6     Training Budget   
2.7     Position Information Management   

Summary Report of System Anomalies

Date: November 16, 2012
Modules Tested: Login,Civilian and Military Employee Information Management, Position Information Management, Gain Management, Training Budget
Test Conducted: Screen manipulations   
Test Conducted By: XXXXXXX
Description of Testing and                 Results:
All forms listed under modules tested were put through general operation testing. Checked to see if the screen could be called up using the menu options available, and then verified that data could be entered and saved     on the forms. All function buttons available on the screen were checked to verify operations (this includes items such as the Locate, Cancel, Save, Exit, etc.). Also, tried entering some incorrect data to see if the system would accept the entries. In general, the information entered could not be saved to the tables. This impacted the level and degree of testing. As a result of problems saving data to the tables, the focus of the system discrepancies was on formatting and consistency between screens. Some forms could not be tested, since there function was dependent upon successfully entering data in another screen. For instance, the Gain and Loss Management screens were not successfully tested since there was difficulty entering information in the Position Information forms. The developers did make some modifications so that information could eventually be saved in the Position tables, however, information is still not being saved on Personnel.                
As is to be expected in initial testing, all of the modules tested failed to operate as fully expected. This information has been relayed to the developers and modifications are currently underway.       
Number of Tests Conducted:
Number of Deficiencies Detected: 46
Number of Pass:
Percentage of Pass:
Number of Failures:
Percentage of Fail: 100
Modules Passed    
Modules Failed: All
Comments: (Discussion of progress as a result of testing, Analysis of the Pass/Fail Results, Impact of tests and discrepancies on system implementation):     
See the attached pages for a detailed description of the discrepancies found on each form.

Testing on Phase I of IHRIMS

Description of Testing and Results:

Initial testing consisted of general operation of the system. Logging into the IHRIMS system and moving from form to form using the menu options. Attempted to add test data in each screen to determine if information was being accepted by each of the forms and to determine if the information should have been accepted by the particular screen. For example, tested to ensure that the system would not allow the user to input new employee information anywhere the Gain Management screen. The tests to add new information to the tables and save the data all failed. Since data could not be added to the tables during initial testing, the majority of the anomalies noted below are format oriented.

General Note:
On all screens the position of the field that the cursor is on is very difficult to read, can the field that the cursor is on be highlighted as a different colour to enhance the visibility? (This was done on the Gain Management Screen)

Login screen

Type of Discrepancy
Spelling error   
Change “Integrated” to Integrated
Time required to load the Beta model is extensive
This is due to the current set-up of downloading information from the CSC office, this should be corrected in the future    

Gains Management

Type of Discrepancy
Error Messages
Security Field
Requires an entry
This field should allow Null values   
Fix the Text labels next to the input fields
** The format for labeling fields should be consistent across all screens. Either use the label and box on all screens or remove it from all.   
The title of the fields are displayed on background boxes - the boxes should be fixed to match the length of the text   
The fields are not in sequential order when tabbing through the screen
The cursor skips a fields after the effective date, and if the user tabs backwards the cursor stops after the effective date and will not allow the user to continue tabbing backwards.   
No military Grades are included in the pull down list       
** The method for inputting grades should be consistent across all screens. On some screens this is an input field and on some     screens it’s a pull down field.   
Add an option     “O-” and “E-” to the grade pull down menu.       
Allow the user to enter values     from E-1-E-9 and O-1 - O-9
The Series field is required
This field should allow Null values (Military personnel do not have a series).
Once the cursor is placed in the bottom half of the screen it isn’t possible to move back to the top half of the screen
After entering Position Information, tried to add an employee through Gain Management. Received an error message
ORACLE error Unable to insert record
After the error message displayed - the cursor was moved to the effective date field. Tried varying the values entered in this date with no success.   
PP, Series and grade
These fields need to be displayed consistently among all forms.

Civilian Employee Information Management

Type of Discrepancy
Error Messages
Cannot change the value in the pull-down field for minority status
Error message received “Cannot navigate out of the current block in enter query mode   
On Exit Receive an additional message
Message appears on exiting the query when hitting the exit     button
Hide this message behind the scenes so the user does not have to respond to the additional question
Cannot Save information on this screen
“FRM40735; PRE-INSERT trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-02289”
Error message received since information required by the tables was not entered yet. Need to be able to store information to the tables.   
Date on Station field is too small   
Need to expand the width of the field to include a full 8 character date (12/12/2012)
Error trying to enter information in the Minority Status and Rotation Date fields   
Cannot Navigate out of current block in enter query mode FRM 41047
After receiving the above error message, cannot use the tab key to move around the screen but can use the mouse to get into some fields
There is no check on the way dates are entered into the system
Can all date fields be formatted to ensure consistency in entering data?   
On prior system demonstrations there was a check to ensure consistency between the command and the component this was not working.   

Military Employee Information Management

Type of Discrepancy
Error Messages
Cannot add Military Grades
The Grade field should be a 4 character field with the Civilian Grades listed (0-15) and the Military Grades as “E-*” or “O-*” *Military grades run from E-1-E-9 and O-1-O-9
Cannot change the value in the pull-down field for minority status
Error message received “Cannot navigate out of the current block in enter query mode   
In the “Keys” display box - The colours and font are very difficult to read
Increase the font size or change the background colours on the display field
Date of Birth - Needs to be entered as month/day/yr
Pre-format the field to a date field   
Menu Option fields - Explain the difference between the Block and Field options

Define the difference between the options Count Hits and Fetch Next Set

Training Budget

Type of Discrepancy
Error Messages
Tuition Field isn’t formatted
Format the field to allow the user to enter a dollar amount without having to enter the commas and decimal places
The Tuition field should be expanded to allow for dollar amounts up to 5 digits plus a 2 decimal places
Expand the field to a width of 9.   

Position Information Management

Type of Discrepancy
Error Messages
Can’t add Position titles to the screen
PRE_INSERT trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-02289
(*11/15/2012 5pm Able to add this information)
Move the location of the Edit button at the top of the screen   
The Edit function should be grouped with the block Locate, Cancel Add...
Office Symbol - the text description for the field should be repositioned so the full text can be seen
Command List in the pull down menu is incomplete
Add the full list of command descriptions to this pull down field. (A full listing is shown on the Civilian Employee Info, form)   
Required field
This should allow Null values   
Security Clearance
Required field
This should allow Null values   
Required field
This should allow Null values   
Career, Financial, and Position Valid Radio buttons don’t match the format of the screen
Change the font to match the font displayed on the remainder of the screen.
Position Field looks like a data entry field
This is supposed to be a system generated number - it should be shown as a background display only field
Cannot save information on the screen
“FRM40735; Pre-Insert trigger raised unhanded exception ORA-02289”
Military grades can’t be entered in the grade field
WHEN-VALIDATE ITEM triggers failed on field POSITION.GRADE
Expand the acceptable grade categories to include military grades E-1-E-9 and O-1-O-9
The grade field is valid only for single digits
Expand the acceptable grades to include 1-15
Component and Command mismatch, the system allows the user to enter a command that does not match the component
Add the Error message sequence that is shown on the Civilian Employee Information screen to all screens that have both the Component and the Command.   
Position Information Management (con’t.)

Type of Discrepancy
Error Messages
Acquisition Skill field allows only one valid entry,     “Contracting” for all other selections an error message appears
WHEN-VALID-ITEM triggers failed on field
There are two position description boxes shown at the bottom of the screen with true false buttons following -    
The order on the True/False radio buttons should be the same beside each box. It currently displays as True/False next to one and False/True next to the other.   
Problem saving information on this form
Receive a message that the record has already been inserted - but when searching for the information cannot retrieve the record.
The Position Information Management and the Position Management Forms are the same
These should be two different forms
The Series field is shown as a three digit number

If there are only three digits in a series it is to be displayed with a leading zero.   
When trying to locate information on the screen the user hits the Locate button, after entering data the user must select the locate button again
Is it possible to allow the user to hit “enter” after typing an entry to begin locating the record?
After entering data on the screen and selecting some “False”     options on the radio buttons - we exited the screen reentered and pulled up the record. All of the radio buttons had gone back to “True” and information selected in the Command field was blank