Sunday, February 5, 2017

BPI Technique - Strategic Analysis Framework - SAF

BPI Technique - Strategic Analysis Framework - SAF


  • A framework for strategic analysis, focusing on the specific elements of Customers, Stakeholders, Assets and Competitors. This framework leverages off of the individual executives perspective to build understanding and consensus around critical questions relating to these key elements. Research, interviewing and workshops are the primary tools used in this technique.

When To Use

  • The Strategic Analysis Framework is typically used during the Awaken or Envision phase to create consensus and common understanding around the elements that drive strategy development —in essence, to confirm the future direction. ( Case for Change, (Confirmed) Business Vision, Business Position and Holistic Business Model)


Conduct and summarize background research to build a “straw-man” (basic) understanding of:
  • Customers, Stakeholders, Assets and Competitors.
  • Flesh out in more detail the findings of the research by proceeding as follows:
    • Identify appropriate client personnel for interviews.
    • Distribute an overview of the interview and the research findings to the interviewees.
    • Conduct and summarize interviews.
    • Identify appropriate client personnel for workshops.
    • Distribute workshop agenda and summary information available from research and interviews.
    • Conduct and summarize workshops.
    • Build results of interviews and workshops into the Strategic Analysis Framework.
A diagram of the Strategic Analysis Framework is presented below.


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