D300 - Discussion Papers
Discussion Papers are short papers covering a particular subject. They are not formally reviewed or signed off. Their normal purpose is to assist in the process of deciding an issue during the design work.
The Segment Plan may have identified Discussion Papers. Also, at any time during the work, the project manager or team leaders may feel it would be useful to issue Discussion Papers. They may be used in any way that is useful to the project. In this methodoly I will not prescribe the format, control or usage of these papers.
Although Discussion papers can be used informally, it is recommended that they are, nevertheless, controlled and tracked through the same mechanisms as apply to formal papers.
Optional - as required
None - used as required
- Discussion Papers (DP) as required / defined in Segment Plan
- IP Control Log
Discussion Papers should be used in whatever manner is most beneficial to the project. Their format and usage is not prescribed in most Application Implementation Methodologies.
The following tips may be helpful:
- Discussion Papers may be useful to stimulate debate and collect ideas without having to agree the results as a formal, signed-off paper.
- Discussion Papers can be used where a particular topic from an Implementation Paper requires more detailed examination, possibly by different specialists or by other user management.
- Discussion Papers should normally be short and cover a single topic.
- Where the contents of a discussion paper contain a significant amount of design information, such as further discussion of requirements, options, or details of an approach, it may be appropriate to incorporate them into an appropriate existing Implementation Paper (or Brief Implementation Paper), or “convert” the discussion paper into an Implementation Paper. Where this is the case, full review and sign off will be required as for a normal Implementation Paper (or Brief Implementation Paper).
- Discussion Papers can be recorded in the IP Control Log and their circulation and respondents noted.
- Although Discussion papers can be used informally, it is recommended that they are, nevertheless, controlled and tracked through the same mechanisms as apply to formal papers.
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